Category Archives: engels


The situation as a basis

The most beautiful trees are certainly 50 years or older.

For this reason we pay much attention to present qualities, among which the old trees that are already in the area. This historical basis is irreplaceable. Of course this requires special attention at designing and the layout of the park.

A good layout and managed park becomes in the course of years always more beautiful. This is why it is important that the garden designer thinks 100 years ahead, but nevertheless already after a year in abundance gives joy. This way we gained much experience in plantings with full grown hedges and old trees in order to have the client enjoy its garden at an early stage.

The garden, a mirror of the occupants

A lot of English estates tell the unique tale of the owner regarding his/her character and hobbies. This makes the garden fascinating in its own way.

A garden is something personal. The institution of the garden has many liberties. In our eyes a garden is besides a collection of plants and elements, also a link between house and landscape which reflects the individuality of the owner. In such a garden you can feel really at home!

A garden grows as a tree

In which ever size trees and hedges are planted, they still need the necessary time to grow character.

At first we design the structure of trees and hedges that create the space and views between the various areas. For this reason we also let the garden grow with its owners. The main principle is designed to last 100 years and more and offers the basis for further details. For example: rosaries, perennial borders and accents on the views such as sculptures and pavilions. This is how the garden grows with you and obtains a character of its own.